Yep TARG turns 3 on Mon April 17 & we have a mega fun anniversary party planned featuring some Punk, Rock, Metal & Limbo - details inside the pages of TARG ZINE. Who better than the mega talented PAT BUCK to illustrate the cover of this very special issue - he is attached to the skilled hands that created the many fantastic murals at TARG… & those hands will be laying down more magic on our walls this month - stay tuned. 

INSIDE ISSUE #37: JUNO ’17 host Byan Adams makes an appearance in THE ADVENTURES of TARG comic, METAL UP YOUR CATS is back with an oldie but a goodie - Val Halla interviews AXXION drummer Emily about her cats, KJ MAXX’S WICKED WAX is a new column that lists the 10 top FREE-PLAY Sunday jams - a convenient  playlist resource intended to help get you through trying times at your bleak office job, get into the Juno spirit with our MUSIC NERD GUIDE TO OTTAWA JUNO AWARD HEROES (ya we know the same article appeared in last months issue - sue us), Dracula visits Mc D’s, Pac-Man spices things up & Mr. T tries Vietnamese cuisine in the TOYS R JOSH comic, learn all about the April Wizard of The Month - JOEL... he’s not just a pretty head of hair ya know? SLO’ TOM clarifies why the JUNO awards didn’t take place in 1988 & answers an age old musical question in his advice column, SKA JEFF counts down his top 5 sketch comedy shows, Ottawa Rock Photographer ANDREW CARVER shares some sweet shots of wicked TARG YEAR III shows, if you are GREEDY for a high score, MONTY has some MASTER CLASS tips to help get your name on The Addams Family Pinball machine (next free monthly tournament is Wed April 5 - all skill levels welcome), Professor Bernie shares some video games of olympic proportions in BIG BERN’S BITS & BYTES. We love to see people absorbed with colouring at the arcade so ELIXIR WIZARD JENNILEE has got you covered with yet another amazing illustration, the April TARG PIN UP OF THE MONTH is a band that has played TARG nearly more than anyone else in Year III, can you guess who it is? And finally everything you need to know about all the fun stuff happening this month can be found in YOGI’s PEROGRAM.  Grab your copy at the Arcade or DOWNLOAD IT HERE