San Francisco based Punk/Pinball artist DIRTY DONNY (Stern Metallica, Can Crusher, Aerosmith) has supplied us with a killer illustration for this months cover. This guy is setting the world on fire and still has time for his Ottawa pals - AMAZING!   

INSIDE THE AUGUST EDITION OF TARG ZINE: We are letting the Perogies Stay up late on weekends - checkout the NEW LateNite Wizard Box Menu. The TARG machine get a visit from DANZIG in Curtis’ ADVENTURE OF TARG comic, SLO' TOM is away on vacation but still managed to respond to a longtime reader, SKA JEFF counts down his top 10 celebrity encounters in his Hi-Fives column…. what! Pinch Barback Bendan joins The Wizard of the Month club, heaven & hell are depicted in the Toys R Josh comic with appearances by Hamburlar & Jason Vorhees. Our new THE LOCAL MIX column profiles the music studios that record the bands you go to see perform live -  this month we talk to JP about WOLF LAKE STUDIOS. Check out some old school skateboards in the RAD RIDES FROM THE 80’s article, News about an exciting fundraiser that helps engage Ottawa area youth & get refurbished skateboards into their hands, Sunday Nite Hero DJ KJMAXX counts down his top 10 heavy rotation tune of July, Monty has some tips to blow up the Death Star in his pinball Master Class, Elixer Wizard Jennilee has a sacked out wrestling meditation illustration for you to colour, Petr snapped a wicked captured some serious heavy metal darkness for this months TARG Pin-Up, and of course everything you need to know about all the events taking place in August can be had in YOGI’s Perogram. Grab yer copy at the arcade or download it here